Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy holidays! (and some blog plans)


Dear readers, first of all, I wish you all a very happy New Year and a very merry Christmas, whichever tradition and calendar you may follow, and whether these wishes of mine reach you early or late!

On a more practical note, I probably should have announced that the blog will be taking a holiday break back in December. Sorry for that! Things got a bit hectic with the combination of holidays and end of the year work obligations. So, not counting this brief and more technical post, please count that Tales of HOPE are still on a holiday break, probably, for another two weeks, since I have some deadlines to meet in the meantime. There will be regular lighter content on social media, of course!


On the brighter side, I do have plans for many subjects I’ll be writing about afterwards! We’ll have everything from Disney, My Little Pony and dolls, over Heroes of Might and Magic and Path of Exile, to some more intricate mythological subjects. Some technical advancements are also due – I’ve been asked to double up the blog on Tumblr, joining the Reddit community also seems prudent… And maybe – but it’s still a big maybe – I’d like to make a few alternate language versions of the blog. But I’m aware that it would be a lot of extra work, and it’s just one of me – plus I still have to check how that would work on Blogger from a technical point of view – so no promises!


But either way, enjoy your holidays and see you soon!

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